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Though running a household using green practices is not a seasonal affair, there are some green home maintenance tips which are easier to accomplish in warm weather. Take advantage of the sunshine and fresh air while checking a few of these green home maintenance items off the list.
Install a Rain Barrel
The ebb and flow of natural rainfall is not always ideally timed to nurture our new spring plantings. However, you can harness that rainfall when it does show up by collecting it in cisterns known as rain barrels. These are attached to the bottom of one of your gutter downspouts and released through a nozzle-controlled hose as you need it. Voila!
Have an Energy Audit Performed
Warm weather is a great time to get a jump start on assessing your home’s energy conservation abilities. Having an energy audit performed by certified professionals can both reduce your energy bills and increase your comfort in your home. By doing this in the summer, you will have time to make suggested improvements ahead of the cold winter months.
Mulch Garden Beds and Use Compost
Garden beds will require less water if you keep a thick layer of mulch on them, and of course, they also look great well-mulched. By choosing to feed your plants with composted kitchen and yard scraps, you are choosing a natural option that does not require harsh chemicals.
Change Your Air Conditioning Filter
Having a dirty filter can greatly reduce your air conditioner’s efficiency. These filters should be changed once a month during the cooling season. A higher Minimum Energy Reporting Value, or MERV, means a greater level of filtration but an increase in the amount of energy needed to pull the air through the filter. Balance your clean air needs with energy concerns.
Wash Your Windows
If you have to be doing a chore, doing one outside in the sunshine with a hose involved is the best scenario. Mix your own green solution of water, vinegar and essential oils. Use a squeegee and a microfiber cloth to wick away moisture and buff streaks.
6. Plant a Vegetable Garden
As far as green living goes, it is hard to beat the benefits of growing some of your own produce. Aside from the fact that planting anything green has great air-cleansing qualities, you are eliminating a lot of energy costs from food delivery that goes into store-bought food.
Line Dry Your Clothing
This one is not for everyone, but if there is a season to do it, it is summer! Having a retractable clothesline going from a sunny side of your house to a pole or tree makes for a convenient way to dry clothes without the energy consumption of using a dryer. Added benefit of fresh air scents!
Use an Electric Mower or Push Mower
Eliminate the hassle of realizing that you are out of gas just as you have a spare hour to mow the lawn. Invest in an electric mower to reduce or push mower to eliminate fossil fuel consumption while mowing your lawn. Think of human-powered mowing as your daily exercise and you can eliminate the gym trip too!
Install Solar Lights for Ambiance
Green living can be not just about maintaining, but about improving your home experience as well. Treat yourself to some ambient solar lighting. There are plenty of models to choose from ranging from walkway lights to overhead string party lights.
Remember, green living is best accomplished slowly and steadily, with a conscious decision to make lasting change. Choose a few of these options and take a step toward greener living this summer!
Mosaic Realty offers a free home energy audit to our homebuyer clients during the examination period.
For information on real estate in Asheville, please contact Mike Figura at or call him anytime at (828) 337-8190.
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